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Happy birthday, Etereo!

My third solo album, Etereo, debuts today, Friday, January 10th, 2020, from PARMA Recordings! This compilation album features solo flute works by Bruce Babcock (Soliloquy), Steven Block (sweet soulless solstice), Josh Oxford (Bluez), and Jason Taurins (Marsyas and Gadfly) and electroacoustic flute music by Mara Helmuth (Butterfly Within). The Chrysalis Duo with pianist Robert Frankenberry performs music by Alla Cohen (Watercolors of the Master Who is Accustomed to Paint Oils), and the Leviathan Trio with cellist Hannah Pressley and pianist Joseph Dangerfield performs Jennifer Jolley's trio (Flight 710 to Cabo San Lucas). Hannah, Joe, and I are joined by percussionist Chris Carmean for Peter Castine's In memoriam. Check out Etereo's electronic press kit for full information about the album, including the track listing, performer and composer biographies, program notes, and scores. Visit my website for Etereo's landing page featuring audio samples of each work, and listen to the official Etereo trailer on YouTube for samples of each piece!

Etereo is available today! Order your physical copy from Amazon or Naxos Direct. Purchase a digital copy from Apple Music or Amazon, stream through Spotify, and listen to each track through the official Naxos YouTube videos: Bruce Babcock Soliloquy Steven Block Sweet Soulless Solstice Peter Castine In Memoriam Alla Cohen Watercolors of the Master Who is Accustomed to Paint Oils

IV. Allegro impetuoso Mara Helmuth Butterfly Within

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