The Flute View Audition Article
My article "Audition Equals Opportunity: Orchestral Auditions After 40" is in this month's issue of The Flute View! Thank you to Viviana...
More press for ETEREO
​My new album, Etereo, is garnering press around the country. The first reveiws are in, and Etereo is a hit! The Flute View proclaims: ...
Feature on The Whole Musician
Thank you to The Whole Musician for profiling me on the blog, asking me to share my earliest musical memory, my biggest musical...
2017 - 2018 by the numbers...
My 2017 - 2018 season is officially over! During the past season, I: : taught 651 lessons : performed 86 total concerts : played 51...
The Flutist's Crowdfunding Primer
My new article for The Flute Examiner, "The Flutist's Crowdfunding Primer", is now online! Based on my experience crowdfunding my solo...
Lindsey On Air and In Print
I'm the cover girl for Girlfriends Magazine Mid-OhioValley's fall/winter 2016 - 2017 issue with a cover article called "Chosen by the...
Article for The Flute View
My latest article for The Flute View, "Go OrGAnic for Back-to-School Success", is in the September issue online with tips and ideas for...
Flute Examiner article
Last week, The Flute Examiner published my article "The Flutist's Electroacoustic Primer", which covers all the basics a performer needs...
2014 - 2015 by the numbers
​ My 2014 - 2015 season is officially over! During the past season, I: : taught 655 lessons : performed 104 total concerts : played 65...