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Capital University residency

I'm thrilled to be kicking off my 2016 - 2017 season with a residency at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio. On Monday, August 29th, we begin with a composition and electronic music workshop at 10:00 am, including reading a new student piece. On Wednesday, August 31st, I present a flute masterclass from 2:00 - 3:30 pm, followed by a solo electroacoustic recital at 8:00 pm in Huntington Recital Hall. During that concert, I'll give the world premiere of Anthony Zilincik's I Asked You for flute and fixed media, as well as perform signature commissions by Randall Woolf (The Line of Purples), Linda Kernohan (Demon/Daemon), Roger Zahab (suspicion of nakedness), Jeffrey Nytch (Covenant), David Stock (A Wedding Prayer), and Judith Shatin (Penelope's Song). We wrap up on Friday, September 2nd when I give a conservatory-wide presentation on music entrepreneurship and perform Elainie Lillios' Sleep's Undulating Tide at 10:00 am in Mees Hall. All four events are free and open to the public. Thank you to Dr. Lisa Jelle for spearheading this fantastic opportunity, and to Brannen Brothers Flutemakers for their support of these programs!

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